By Richard Freeman Before you purchase bottled water, have you ever stopped and asked yourself where did that water come from, where was it bottled, and if it is safe to drink? Did you know that bottled water is largely unregulated? Your tap water is more regulated...
Water News Highlights Articles
The Interconnectedness of Sea Level Rise and King Tides
By Ray Hiemstra King Tides are a natural phenomenon that occurs every year around December and January. At this time the earth, sun, and moon align to create the highest and lowest tides of the year. While the term "King Tide" isn't scientific, it is commonly used...
A How To Guide on Desalination
By Charming Evelyn Chair - Water Committee, Sierra Club Angeles Chapter You are probably unaware that there are two types of desalination - brackish and ocean. Of course the one everyone is usually referring to is ocean desalination. An acquaintance of mine recently...
Greywater Explained
By Leigh Jerrard Guest Writer - Greywater Corps You’re probably irrigating your yard with drinking water, since the same water that comes out of your kitchen faucet also feeds your hose bibs. But do your plants need drinking water? It turns out that most plants are...
Be The Change!
by Cynthia Jackson The United Nations’ theme for this year’s World Water Day is a familiar one that, in my opinion, applies to all aspects of our lives and one I bet that you have even heard before. It’s “Be the Change (That You Want to See)”. It is so popular...
Atmospheric Rivers In a Time of Drought
By Erin Woolley Between December and mid-March, we've had an onslaught of eleven atmospheric rivers to California, which claimed several lives, and caused severe flooding, power outages, damage to infrastructure, and threatened the safety of several communities. After...
Sponge Cities – What Are They?
By Sydney Pitcher Scientists predict that if the world does not drastically reduce carbon emissions and prevent global temperatures from rising above 1.5°C\ 2.7°F, we will experience irreversible and catastrophic consequences of climate change that could make the...
Can We See A Return Of The Endangered Southern Steelhead Trout?
By Conner Everts It is difficult to perceive, the fish long associated with the big rivers of Northern California to the Pacific Northwest and all the way to the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula originated in the mountains of Baja California and migrated north to the...
Recycled Water is a Source of Water
By Caty Wagner Staffer Sierra Club CA Sierra Club California staff recently attended tours of both the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility (ECL) and the WRD Albert Robles Center for Water Recycling and Environmental Learning (ARC) to have a better understanding...
Edible Weeds, A No-Water Bounty in Urban Areas
Douglas Kent MS, MLA discusses the benefits of foraging edible urban weeds for personal health and sustainability. It provides tips for safe foraging and lists seven highly nutritious weeds that can be easily found and consumed. Doug is an experienced member of the Angeles Chapter Water Committee and has written several books on landscaping and foraging.