Tell West Hollywood to STOP throwing precious water down the drain.
Much of West Hollywood, which inhabits less than two square miles, sits on a very high or shallow water table. For the past decade there has been an exorbitant increase in the permitting of subterranean construction of housing basements and underground parking lots, many of which require depletion of water from the West Hollywood sub-aquifer to allow for construction to take place.
Groundwater is a limited resource, and the city’s thoughtless and excessive dewatering is detrimental to our environment particularly while in the midst of a severe drought. Due to excessive dewatering, the city has experienced the death of mature trees, ground settlement caused by soil compaction which in turn continues to cause damage to neighboring homes and buildings resulting in cracks and door/window misalignment.

Cracked exterior garden wall in West Hollywood by Charming Evelyn
On October 6, West Hollywood’s Planning Commission will be reviewing their policy of issuing permits for basements and underground parking lots. Send a personalized message telling the city to limit or halt dewatering permits until solutions to protect the sub-aquifer and the surrounding environment are found. Letters received by 4 PM, October 6, 2022 will be considered by the Planning Commission.