Teacher/Parent Resources


The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) SciJinks site has many educational resources, all related to weather:


NASA’s activities and images for teachers/parents produced by the Global Precitipation Measurement (GPM) team, including thorough lesson plans related to Earth’s Water Cycle:


Think Earth Environmental Education Foundation web site for Teachers and for families:


Water Science School from USGS: rather “dry” but very thorough! Includes a Water Cycle diagram with terminology in many languages:

mom junction.

Some very fun and creative games and activities for groups of kids in the classroom and at home from Mom Junction:

Friends of the LA River

From the Friends of the LA River, curriculum materials, student resources, and a listing of Citizen Scientist projects for all ages:


A big page of pre-school and K through grade2 activities, including connect the dots, coloring pages, activity printouts, and rebus poems:


Many wonderful downloadable PDFactivity sheets and booklets from the California Dept. of Water Resources:


Resources from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California:


Resources for adults and children from the Water Education Foundation:


National Geographic Kids has tips, videos, and games to help kids save the Earth:


Build an Aquifier in a Cup: an instructional PDF for teachers from the EPA:


The Water Footprint Calculator website offers Lesson Plans for understanding your water footprint (for High School and Middle School):

Teachers and Parents can visit their local Water District’s web site to learn more about their free Water Education (including Water Conservation) programs and educational materials:

Are you an Educator? If you need materials, please contact us:

Interested in funding one of our many educational projects? Contact the Water Committee Chair:

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