Word Search: Water Water Everywhere

Our Environment

There are many things we can do to help our environment. See if you can find some of them, and think about what ways these words relate to actions we can take to make our environment a healthier place for us to live!

Plants of the LA River

When it rains up high in the mountains that ring the Los Angeles Basin, the water flows downhill, first in tiny rivulets, and then making its way into larger and larger creeks. The creeks flow into each other, becoming larger and more powerful. And eventually, they flow together to form the Los Angeles River. The river passes through 17 cities starting with the San Fernando Valley and ending in Long Beach where it flows out into the ocean.

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is California’s most crucial water and ecological resource. It is the largest freshwater tidal estuary of its kind on the west coast of the Americas, providing important habitat for birds on the Pacific Flyway and for fish that live in or pass through the Delta.

California Tidepools

Tidepools are full of life! What kinds of animals and plants can be found in tidepools across southern California?

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