Water Quality
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Water quality varies across southern California. Be sure you know the water quality in your area.
Groundwater Recharge, Retention & Pollution
Water Quality
If you were a Chumash Native American living 300 years ago or even a resident living in Los Angeles in the early 1900s you would have witnessed a lovely rambling L.A. River that would regularly flood its banks. All that changed in the 1930s when there was an extremely damaging flood and that is when the government decided to make a concrete floor and sides to the river so it could not wander or flood anymore. That fix did tame the river but there was a price to pay for the luxury.
Los Angeles water quality is always a concern
Otter image courtesy Bureau of Land Management
In 2006, The Angeles Chapter opposed additional land use approvals in Santa Clarita relying on water from the contaminated Saugus aquifer.
Once a year, your local water utility sends you a glossy pamphlet, your annual water quality report. Let’s take a look at one and decipher it!
Blank support letter for Los Angeles Groundwater Replenishment Project
In 2012, Disney proposed an expansion of the Big Golden Oak Studio, releasing a 5-thousand page DIER (Draft Environmental Impact Report), which the Sierra Club reviewed:
Chromium 6 Overview for the Sierra Club 2012
Water Quality
The City of Los Angeles’ Bureau of Sanitation manages a Watershed Protection Program that includes Low Impact Development, Green Infrastructure,Pollutant Prevention and Removal, and Environmental Compliance:
The Water Committee of the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter reviewed the Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study in 2013:
In 2013, the Water Committee commented on the LA County Flood Control District Water Quality Improvement Program Ordinance, related to fees assessed to pay for projects involving improvement of surface water quality within the LA District:
2010 Support letter from the Sierra Club for the DWP’s Groundwater Replenishment Project.
Slides of a 2011 update from Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles Country presentation on the Clearwater Program
Comments from the Sierra Club on the Clearwater Program Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental – written 2012.
Water & Living in a Desert in the Santa Clara Valley – Recycled Water Disposition
Add your voice and signature to these Sierra Club AddUp campaigns:
Assessing Water Quality
Water Quality Scorecard
The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter Water Committee is currently in the process of developing a water quality scorecard for the Southern California Area.
Until then, you can calculate your water footprint using the link below!
Draft Scorecard
[Top header image: Hollywood Reservoir, Hollywood, CA. A major storage area for LA’s fresh water needs. ©John Nilsson, All Rights Reserved.]
Water Quality Posts
SIERRA CLUB AIRPORT MARINA GROUP – Summer Issue While we are DARK at Chase Park in July and August there are things you can do — PLEASE READ
Posted on 17 July 2018 By Jeanette Vosburg SIERRA CLUB AIRPORT MARINA GROUP – Summer Issue While we are DARK at Chase Park in July and August there are things you can do --- 1. Attend Del Rey Neighborhood Council Planning & Land Use Committee’s Meeting, Thursday,...
Forum on future of L.A.’s water supply Aug. 9, 2014
From UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability Join the Sierra Club, Food & Water Watch and The River Project for a discussion on where Los Angeles will get its water in the future and how we plan to pay for it. We will ask the question, Where should...
California Drought: San Joaquin Valley sinking as farmers race to tap aquifer
Good coverage on SJV groundwater issues from SJ Mercury News. Photo: The River Project.
Groundwater Recharge, Retension & Pollution
The River Project’s website http://www.theriverproject.org/index.php Home Page If you were a Chumash Native American living 300 years ago or even a resident living in Los Angeles in the early 1900s you would have witnessed a lovely rambling L.A. River that would...
Los Angeles Depends on Imported Water
All the places where Los Angeles gets its water All the places where Los Angeles gets its water Los Angeles (L.A.) has many ways of getting water and there have been legal water wars started over how much water belongs to thirsty Los Angeles. You can observe the water...
Garbage Dump Pollution and Water
Garbage Dump, Pollution and Water Timeline for Sunshine Canyon Landfill Both the L.A. City & County owned land in Sunshine Canyon 1991 Old City Dump was closed. 1996 County expansion opened in 1996 1999 City passed the expansion & reopening of the Sunshine...
Tujunga/Pacoima Watershed Projects and Plans
BIG WATERSHED PROJECTS-Recharge water to the aquifer All dams and spreading grounds in the watershed are targeted for improvements that would generate a meaningful increase in the total volume of stormwater recharged to groundwater. Big Tujunga Dam would be...
Court victory for opponents of fracking in California
Posted on 15 April 2013 From Sierra Club reports SAN JOSE, Calif. — A federal judge on April 8 ruled that the Obama Administration violated the law when it issued oil leases in Monterey County without considering the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing, also...
When fracking becomes a local issue
Posted on 11 May 2012 By Tom Williams In a rush to keep developing more natural gas and oil, oil and gas companies are relying more heavily on a technique of stimulation and extraction known as hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Using this process, companies that...
Ocean of Garbage
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